Now the fun bit..
6am start, we all layered up and set off to do our jobs. Steve, Molly, Graham and Ben set out to the dunes to get the firing box connected and to watch the Oycs. Myself, Josh and Tara were at the Lodge loading up Steve's truck whilst Dave was opening the gate and collecting the key for us to drive down to the beach. We all piled into Steve's truck and set off down the sandy path ready to wait for the go time. It was a long waiting game, we had to stay quiet behind the dunes where Molly was waiting with the firing box for Steve's command.
After about ten minutes of waiting, the Nation Trust rangers who wanted to help out, arrived and Dave briefed them on what to expect and what to do. Five more minutes waiting the oycs had moved in closer to the net, Steve took the chance and gave the command to fire! We were all expected was 100-200 Oycs which would be the top of the flock. Dave started the truck and raced over the dunes, quickly followed by the NT Ranges in the 4x4 which Steve jumped into and we raced across the sand to the nets. Once we arrived, everyone got into position and moved the birds further up the beach in the nets so they wouldn't be in the water. What I didn't notice was just how many birds we actually caught! Steve, Graham, Tara, Josh, Dave and Molly set out extracting the birds closest to the edge and the rest were covered to lower the panic in the birds. "BIRD!" was being yelled from all over the place and the NT Rangers and myself were collecting birds from everyone, sometimes with three or four being carried at once, which resulted in some very smelly trousers.. Once the first net was cleared, we moved onto the second net and then the realisation hit when I took some more birds back to Amy who was counting them going into the holding cages, 300 odd birds came out of the first net! After some further extracting and myself getting involved with extracting more birds. We reached the final count of 509 birds! Next up was the actual ringing. Everyone was given a demonstration and all took a bird out of the holding cage, aged it (3,5,6i,7,8 were the ages for our Oycs) and put a ring on it. The rings are a lot thicker than our average ring. Since the Oycs will batter them on the coast and to make sure they withstand the salt water. The rings were not easy to put on, but after a few, I got in the rhythm and everyone was working quickly to get through the birds.

Thankyou to the National Trust rangers for helping out with the Cannon Netting process, it was a pleasure to have you along!
* Steve Dodd, Is a licensed Ringer with a Cannon Netting endorsement and able to supervise helpers.